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RASK represents residents in dispute with the City of Tallinn.


RASK represented 39 residents of Tallinn’s Kunderi Street in a dispute with the City of Tallinn, in which the residents did not agree with the city’s government-approved solution for the renovation of Gonsiori Street.

On 2 March 2016, Tallinn City Government approved solution option V3 for the renovation of Gonsiori Street, selected by Tallinn City Government Road Committee. The residents of Kunderi Street did not agree with the selected solution, or the fact that the residents of Kunderi Street were not included in the original proceedings. For this reason, the residents of Kunderi Street submitted an appeal against the decision by Tallinn City Government through RASK Attorneys-at-Law.

The city of Tallinn agreed with the residents of Kunderi Street during the complaint proceedings, and the dispute was ended during the proceedings.